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- Kaplan Videos Step 1 Free Download Torrent Site
* Re:kaplan step 1 high yield 2012 link ?? | |||
#2915729 | |||
superpancreas - 07/19/13 12:25 | |||
Can I ask what you mean by 'all others are dead/removed'??? Dude, there has never been Kaplan 2012 High Yield course uploaded to the internet with videos, powerpoints and q bank, this class is less than a year old. Where is your proof that it has ever been uploaded? If it was ever online anywhere then many people would have it and no one does, well I do, but no one else does, LOL. @target240-do you really think that just because the internet exists that everything that also exists has been uploaded somewhere online and all you have to do is ask for the links to it? If that is the case then the actual exam that you take at Prometric has been out for decades so why don't you just ask for the links to the actual exam? I mean the actual exam has been out over 100 times as long so if Kaplan HY is out then the actual exam must be out too? Why don't you just say that you 'prefer' a personal link or torrent because all other links to the actual usmle step 1 exam are dead/removed??? This course has been out for less than a year and they are updating it constantly so do you actually think in less than a year that someone has captured all of the videos, captured all of the powerpoints and captured all of the qbank and the book and has randomly uploaded it online to a public sharing site for all to have for free after they paid over $500 and since it is no longer available at the public sharing site then you now 'prefer' a personal or torrent site now since it has been removed from all other(public) sites and that in less than a year it has been uploaded to public sites and already taken down and now someone has in less than a year uploaded it to a torrent or personal site since it has been taken down? This sure is a lot to happen in less than a year. Center Prep Videos for Kaplan Step 3 that were released over 3 years ago are just now within the last month or so being uploaded to public share sites or torrent sites. I am just amazed that people actually think that just because something exists and since they can't find it online then the only conclusion is that it's already been taken down. I mean if you assume that everything that exists has been uploaded online then just ask for the ACTUAL EXAM! That would be easier. And if you knew that it existed previously then whey didn't you download it then, and the answer is....wait...wait for it...a little while longer now...BECAUSE IT NEVER EXISTED ONLINE FOR FREE FOR ALL TO DOWNLOAD! THAT IS WHY YOU NEVER DOWNLOADED IT BEFORE! LOL!!! You will never ever within the next month ever get a response on this thread reporting to you that the High Yield course has been uploaded to this specific torrent or personal site, ever! | |||
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File number: 15639
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