This lady has an ability which is a skill shot, i think is quite predictable for enemy champions; her movement speed is basically slow (especially for the bird! ); and she are often very squishy if you build her the correct way. Should you do occur to get Anivia right though, she can deal a crazy quantity of destruction of enemy champions around her.
Anivia’s passive is Rebirth, which means that upon Anivia’s death, she is going to revert into a small egg that will are 6 seconds. Unless the egg continues to be killed within those 6 seconds then Anivia will probably be reborn with the same percentage of health that her egg had. We have a calm down on Rebirth, and that is four minutes.
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Rebirth –
Explained above.
Ability 1:
Flash Frost very well
This is Anivia’s skill shot ability. Anivia fires a ball of ice that flies in a very straight line. This ball of ice deals magic damage and also slows any enemy in its path. You have the choice of reactivating Flash Frost again to manually stop ice ball from travelling, you can also wait for it to reach its maximum range. When there is an enemy champion nearby ice ball currently exploding, they will be stunned for just one second. The enemy will take some magic damage.
Make sure to practice this ability a reasonable bit. From the hard you to definitely leave, and will be quite frustrating to land!
Ability 2:
Crystallize very well
This ability is perfect for blocking enemy champions in or through your range. Anivia puts up an ice wall that last 5 seconds. You need to use Crystallize to dam an enemy champion in when you are near an allied turret, you can also block them out when they are chasing you down. Crystallize can be a real lifesaver!
Ability 3:
Frostbite micron
Frostbite has to be Anivia’s best ability. It has the intense potential of dealing some crazy damage, especially to people enemy champions who have no magic resistance gear.
Anivia blast the objective enemy champion with the iced pick that deals magic damage. If the target is ‘chilled’ by other abilities, for instance Flash Frost, then they will require double destruction of Frostbite.
Ability 4 (Ultimate):
Glacial Storm micron
Anivia’s ultimate ability is certainly one that will do a lot of damage and it is activated by toggling on / off.
A circular area of hail and chilling rain that Anivia casts may cause any enemy champion that walks within the area to possess decreased movement speed and slowed attack speed for 1 second. Glacial Storm also acts as ‘chilling’ the enemy, so that in the event you cast Frostbite when they have been caught in Anivia’s ultimate, they will then also take double damage from Frostbite.
On the whole, I think Anivia is really a really strong champion. The damage that her spells can perform will do to nuke another champion in one fell swoop. In my opinion that she must be fairly ‘tanky’, that To obtain the building a Rod of Ages and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter for the people extra health and survivability items. I had also try a Lich Bane for your extra movement speed it grants you, as Anivia is simply not the fastest champion amongst players.
Hello, today we will tell you about the top 15 most expensive and rarest skins in League of Legends in 2021.
We would like to note that all these skins have long been impossible to get in the game and the only way to obtain them at the moment is to buy an account that already has one of these skins.
15. UFO Corki (estimated price on the market $3-15+) – cool and rare skin that has long been impossible to get in the game. A must-have item in the collection of anyone who loves to collect skins.
14. King Rammus ($9-30+) – slightly rarer than the previous skin and slightly more expensive. From time to time on the market you can find on sale accounts that have UFO Corki + King Rammus together at the same time.
13. URF the Manatee ($40-90+)– earlier this skin was much more expensive, but Riot Games introduced a very similar skin, which can now be bought in the store, after which the price of the original skin has dropped sharply. Still, it’s a cool skin and part of League of Legends history.
12. Triumphant Ryze ($50-90+) – a slightly more expensive and steep skin, but usually the Young (Human) Ryze is considered the rarest skin for Ryze, it will be located higher in our top.
11. Silver Kayle ($60-120+)– a stunning skin, the model of which was redesigned by the game developer, after which the skin rose noticeably and the controversy on it increased significantly.
10. Riot Squad Singed ($90-150+) – the rarest and most expensive skin from the Riot Skins category today.
9. Victorious Jarvan IV or Victorious Janna ($100-150+) – these skins were rewards for the first and second seasons of rating competition in League of Legends. These events took place about ten years ago and the price of these skins is growing every year.
8. Young / Human Ryze ($130-180+)– the rarest skin for Ryze and one of the rarest in the history of the game. Many new players do not even understand what it is when they see someone have this skin. LoL
7. PAX Sivir ($150-200+) – a skin from the PAX category, which is considered one of the most, if not the most expensive and rare category in the history of the game. Its value could not be diminished even after the release of Neo PAX Sivir, which says a lot.
6. Vintage Championship Riven ($170-220+) – a very old and rare skin for a champion with cool gameplay, which is pleasant and exciting to play. Riot Games released a redesigned and cheaper version of this skin, but the value of the original has not diminished in the least.
5. Rusty Blitzcrank ($180-250+)– so we got to the top 5, this skin is very difficult to find today, quite a few of these skins have passed through our hands during the entire time in this business. The vast majority of League of Legends players have never seen this skin in the game. So, if you have ever met such a skin in the game (and even more so if you own it yourself), you can definitely be called a unique player!
4. Soulstealer Vayne ($190-260+) – a very beautiful and rare skin. Dreadnova Darius, Lancer Zero Hecarim, Hextech Poppy, Hextech Annie, Hextech Alistar and some other skins can easily take the same place, depends on who chooses. Exceptionally rare skins, a real find for the collector, although they are not as famous as the top 3 skins and many of the top 15 skins, they never cease to be very rare and expensive.
3. PAX Jax ($200-300+)– a very limited number of these skins remain on the market, along with the rest of the PAX category skins, the price of this skin is growing literally every day. If 5 years ago it could be easily bought for $100, now it is very difficult to find it even for $300.
2. Black Alistar ($230-350+)– a real classic, this skin is probably the dream of the vast majority of League of Legends players. Very expensive, rare and beautiful skin. Perhaps, enough is known about it, because it is one of the most popular rare skins.
1. PAX Twisted Fate ($350-700+) – by far the rarest and most expensive skin in League of Legends history. A truly legendary item that has not been obtained in any way in the game for many years. There are only a few accounts left on the market that have this skin, and its price is growing from year to year and may soon exceed $ 1,000 per account on which such a skin was obtained.
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