- Spice up your knowledge of 3-dimensional square pyramids with these printable templates and a net of square pyramid chart. Prepared to equip students of grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6 with lots of profound and informed practice on this topic, this set is a great place to start.
- Pyramid diagrams are used for depicting different types of trends, ranging from demographic illustrations to hierarchical and interconnected relationships. The Animated Segmented Pyramid Diagrams Template for PowerPoint is an easy to use presentation template for making professional looking pyramid diagrams.
Would you like to learn how to make crafts out of cardboard? This material allows infinite possibilities ... You just need to follow these step-by-step instructions in this article and you'll learn how to make a pyramid out of cardboard. This craft is easy and quick to make. It's an activity which children will love and they'll also be entertained creating them. You can make several pyramids changing the color of the cardboard. Try it and see how easy it is!
These are easy craft ideas for beginers which shows how to make Origami Pyramid by easy steps. This is a just a simple paper craft technique called origami.S.
The first step to make a pyramid is to draw a nine-squared grid on the cardboard, measuring 8 cm x 8 cm (3.5in x 3.5in). See the image.

Mark the middle of each side of the square like on the image.
Draw the shape of the pyramid on the cardboard. Remember you have to guide yourself by the squares. Make sure you also mark the seams that should be about 0.5 cm away from the original line. Take a close look at the picture below.
Cut the cardboard pyramid.
Fold all the discontinued lines to create the seams. Take a look at the picture below to see how your pyramid should look like.
Put glue on the side flaps of the cardboard pyramid.

Stick the parts of the pyramid together with each flap, and press so they stick on all sides. You have finished your cardboard pyramid.
This pyramid we made is a square based pyramid. However you may want to build pyramids with different bases such as a triangular pyramid out of cardboard or an octagonal pyramid.
If you like creating 3D geometrical figures you can also learn how to make a cardboard cube, a hexagonal based prism or even a cone. We recommend you check them out!
If you want to read similar articles to How to Make a Pyramid out of Cardboard, we recommend you visit our Art & handicraft category.

- You can make different pyramids changing the color of cardboard. You can also make pyramids in different sizes, you just need to make the grid bigger or smaller. You can also draw on each side of the pyramid or stick colorful cardboard circles.
Template For Square Pyramid
Spin the solid, print the net, make one yourself!
Use the arrow keys at the top to step through all the models, or jump straight to one below:
Tetrahedron |
Cube |
Octahedron |
Dodecahedron |
Icosahedron |
Small Stellated Dodecahedron |
Truncated Tetrahedron |
Cuboctahedron |
Truncated Cube |
Truncated Octahedron |
Rhombicuboctahedron |
Great Rhombicuboctahedron |
Snub Cube (Laevo) |
Icosidodecahedron |
Truncated Dodecahedron |
Truncated Icosahedron |
Rhombicosidodecahedron |
Great Rhombicosidodecahedron |
Snub Dodecahedron (Laevo) |
Triangular Prism |
Pentagonal Prism |
Hexagonal Prism |
Octagonal Prism |
Decagonal Prism |
Square Antiprism |
Pentagonal Antiprism |
Hexagonal Antiprism |
Octagonal Antiprism |
Decagonal Antiprism |
Triakis Tetrahedron |
Rhombic Dodecahedron |
Triakis Octahedron |
Tetrakis Hexahedron |
Trapezoidal Icositetrahedron |
Hexakis Octahedron |
Pentagonal Icositetrahedron (Dextro) |
Rhombic Triacontahedron |
Triakis Icosahedron |
Pentakis Dodecahedron |
Trapezoidal Hexecontahedron |
Hexakis Icosahedron |
Pentagonal Hexecontahedron (Dextro) |
Square Pyramid (J1) |
Pentagonal Pyramid (J2) |
Triangular Cupola (J3) |
Square Cupola (J4) |
Pentagonal Cupola (J5) |
Pentagonal Rotunda (J6) |
Elongated Triangular Pyramid (J7) |
Elongated Square Pyramid (J8) |
Elongated Pentagonal Pyramid (J9) |
Gyroelongated Square Pyramid (J10) |
Gyroelongated Pentagonal Pyramid (J11) |
Triangular Dipyramid (J12) |
Pentagonal Dipyramid (J13) |
Elongated Triangular Dipyramid (J14) |
Elongated Square Dipyramid (J15) |
Elongated Pentagonal Dipyramid (J16) |
Gyroelongated Square Dipyramid (J17) |
Elongated Triangular Cupola (J18) |
Elongated Square Cupola (J19) |
Elongated Pentagonal Cupola (J20) |
Elongated Pentagonal Rotunds (J21) |
Gyroelongated Triangular Cupola (J22) |
Gyroelongated Square Cupola (J23) |
Gyroelongated Pentagonal Cupola (J24) |
Gyroelongated Pentagonal Rotunda (J25) |
Gyrobifastigium (J26) |
Triangular Orthobicupola (J27) |
Square Orthobicupola (J28) |
Square Gyrobicupola (J29) |
Pentagonal Orthobicupola (J30) |
Pentagonal Gyrobicupola (J31) |
Pentagonal Orthocupolarontunda (J32) |
Pentagonal Gyrocupolarotunda (J33) |
Pentagonal Orthobirotunda (J34) |
Elongated Triangular Orthobicupola (J35) |
Elongated Triangular Gyrobicupola (J36) |
Elongated Square Gyrobicupola (J37) |
Elongated Pentagonal Orthobicupola (J38) |
Elongated Pentagonal Gyrobicupola (J39) |
Elongated Pentagonal Orthocupolarotunda (J40) |
Elongated Pentagonal Gyrocupolarotunda (J41) |
Elongated Pentagonal Orthobirotunda (J42) |
Elongated Pentagonal Gyrobirotunda (J43) |
Gyroelongated Triangular Bicupola (J44) |
Gyroelongated Square Bicupola (J45) |
Gyroelongated Pentagonal Bicupola (J46) |
Gyroelongated Pentagonal Cupolarotunda (J47) |
Gyroelongated Pentagonal Birotunda (J48) |
Augmented Triangular Prism (J49) |
Biaugmented Triangular Prism (J50) |
Triaugmented Triangular Prism (J51) |
Augmented Pentagonal Prism (J52) |
Biaugmented Pentagonal Prism (J53) |
Augmented Hexagonal Prism (J54) |
Parabiaugmented Hexagonal Prism (J55) |
Metabiaugmented Hexagonal Prism (J56) |
Triaugmented Hexagonal Prism (J57) |
Augmented Dodecahedron (J58) |
Parabiaugmented Dodecahedron (J59) |
Metabiaugmented Dodecahedron (J60) |
Triaugmented Dodecahedron (J61) |
Metabidiminished Icosahedron (J62) |
Tridiminished Icosahedron (J63) |
Augmented Tridiminished Icosahedron (J64) |
Augmented Truncated Tetrahedron (J65) |
Augmented Truncated Cube (J66) |
Biaugmented Truncated Cube (J67) |
Augmented Truncated Dodecahedron (J68) |
Parabiaugmented Truncated Dodecahedron (J69) |
Metabiaugmented Truncated Dodecahedron (J70) |
Triaugmented Truncated Dodecahedron (J71) |
Gyrate Rhombicosidodecahedron (J72) |
Parabigyrate Rhombicosidodecahedron (J73) |
Metabigyrate Rhombicosidodecahedron (J74) |
Trigyrate Rhombicosidodecahedron (J75) |
Diminished Rhombicosidodecahedron (J76) |
Paragyrate Diminished Rhombicosidodecahedron (J77) |
Metagyrate Diminished Rhombicosidodecahedron (J78) |
Bigyrate Diminished Rhombicosidodecahedron (J79) |
Parabidiminished Rhombicosidodecahedron (J80) |
Metabidiminished Rhombicosidodecahedron (J81) |
Gyrate Bidiminished Rhombicosidodecahedron (J82) |
Tridiminished Rhombicosidodecahedron (J83) |
Snub Disphenoid (J84) |
Snub Square Antiprism (J85) |
Sphenocorona (J86) |
Augmented Sphenocorona (J87) |
Sphenomegacorona (J88) |
Hebesphenomegacorona (J89) |
Disphenocingulum (J90) |
Bilunabirotunda (J91) |
Triangular Hebesphenorotunda (J92) |
Tetrahemihexahedron |
Octahemioctahedron |
Small Ditrigonal Icosidodecahedron |
Dodecadodecahedron |
Echidnahedron |
Square Pyramid Volume Calculator
You can also try the old flash version.